Last Revision: 08/05/2022


Table of Contents:


The Long-Term Vehicle Assignment Request Form must be used to request a long-term assignment of a vehicle from Fleet Operations for the purpose of conducting official University Business. This form will also authorize the direct billing for that use to a specific Cost Object and general ledger account.

General Information:

  • A request is considered long-term if requesting a vehicle for longer than 14 days.
  • Any changes, modifications, or date extensions to the original request must have a new form submitted with signature of the Budget Executive and Financial Officer.
  • Fleet Operations can charge only one (1) Cost Object and general ledger account for each vehicle/assignment.
  • For policies covering Fleet Operations vehicle service, refer to Policy BS20 University Vehicle Operations or Use.
  • Vehicle usage logs will be maintained by the responsible person designated in the area.

General Ledger Account Usage:

See the General Ledger Accounts and Payment Decision Matrix for appropriate GL to use. Options include:

  • 52780100 Travel & Conferences - In-State Travel - Allowable F&A (costs related to travel and conferences entirely within Pennsylvania
  • 52780101 Travel & Conferences - In-State Travel - Unallowable F&A
  • 52780500 Travel & Conferences - Penn State Inter-Campus Travel - Allowable F&A (costs related to travel and conferences occurring at any University campus, including research centers, recruitment cents, etc.)
  • 52780501 Travel & Conferences - Penn State Inter-Campus Travel - Unallowable F&A

Exhibit and Instructions:

To view document exhibits click on link below:

Long-Term Vehicle Assignment Exhibit

Form Requirements:

No form may be used that substitutes for an approved official University form without prior review and approval by the steward of the form/central office, as facilitated by the Office of Systems and Procedures (designated representative of the Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance). Policy FN17 Required Use of Approved University Forms Appearing in the General University Reference Utility (GURU) requires that all form templates must be vetted and approved prior to being published on the GURU website and all such documents having gone through said established approval process must be password protected.

Access GURU Forms:

GURU PDF forms are designed for use with Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro. Each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc) has a built-in PDF viewer making it the default PDF viewer without asking users. These built-in viewers do not necessarily support all features required for PDF forms. Similarly, many calculations are not supported by other stand-alone PDF readers (for examples, Nuance). It has been brought to the attention of the Office of Systems and Procedures that PDF forms do not function appropriately when accessed using Firefox and/or Microsoft Edge. In order to access any of the forms on GURU and have the fill-and-print functionality work properly, the end-user must access the GURU website using Google Chrome.

The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free. Contact your IT support staff person for downloading assistance, if/as needed. If Adobe Acrobat Pro better suits your needs, contact your IT support staff person for purchasing and installation assistance.

Web-based Documents:

Clicking the form download icon on any form instruction page on GURU will open a web-based version of the form. While it appears to have fill-and-print fields available, not all functionality may be available for use (i.e. digital ID fields). With some exceptions (see exceptions below), it will be necessary to convert these web-based documents to PDF documents (see Converting Web-based Documents to PDF documents section).

Converting Web-based Documents to PDF Documents:

There are two (2) options available to download forms:

Option 1 - To create a PDF for this document (and only this document):

  • Click the download icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the web-page
  • Select a location to save the document where you will be able to locate the document
  • Click Save
  • Open the document from the saved location

Option 2 - To change system settings to always open documents with Adobe:

  • Click the download icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the web-page
  • Select a location to save the document where you will be able to locate the document
  • Click Save
  • The file will appear in the bottom left-hand corner of your browser window. Click the small up arrow to the right of the file name
  • Click the "Always open with system viewer" option
  • The form now opens as a PDF and can be completed
  • All PDF files will now open in a separate window in Adobe


Combining PDF documents:

There may be times when it is necessary to combine multiple pdf documents into a single document for submission. In those instances, complete the following steps:

  • Click on the appropriate form in GURU
  • Complete the fill-and-print boxes on the web-based form
  • Click the printer icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  • Change Destination to Microsoft Print to PDF using the drop-down arrow
  • Click Print at the bottom of that panel
  • Enter a file name in the box at the bottom of the pop-up window (i.e. long-term-verhicle-assignment-request-smith-mary) and be sure to select a location where you will be able to relocate the document
  • Click Save

Repeat this process for each document that will be combined:

  • Now, open one of the completed pdf documents and on the far right select combine files
  • Click Add Files and select the files to be combined
  • Click Combine

Applying Digital ID's on PDF's (general instructions):

NOTE: Once a digital ID has been applied to a document, it is considered an "approved" document and it is not possible to make any revisions to the form. DO NOT apply any digital IDs until the document has been completed and is ready to be approved.

This form has the Digital ID (applying an electronic signature to the document) process enabled. Complete all fill-and-print form fields before completing the signature process:

  1. Download the Long-Term Vehicle Assignment Request Form
  2. Complete all fill-and-print fields
  3. Once the form is complete, click in the signature form field and either:
    • select your digital ID and click continue, or
    • create your digital ID, select your digital ID, and click continue
  4. Review the information in the appearance box and click sign
  5. You will be required to save a copy of the document (the digital signature is not applied until the form is saved)
    • The file name will contain the name "long-term-vehicle-assignment-request-form-SIMBA" in the file name field, add a dash, Last Name-First Name (no spaces (i.e.,-smith-mary) to the end of the file name (i.e., long-term-vehicle-assignment-request-form-SIMBA-smith-mary)
    • choose a location to save the file where you will be able to locate it again
    • click Save
  6. Close the form version appearing on your screen
  7. Open the version saved in the previous step
  8. Verify that the digital ID appears on the document
  9. Close the document

Creating a Proxy Digital ID:

If authority has been delegated to act as a proxy for signing forms, it will be necessary to create a "proxy digital ID." The individual authorizing another to act as their proxy must provide written documentation to the individual being proxied. The individual receiving the proxied authority must retain this written documentation for the duration of the proxy.

Complete the following steps to create a proxy digital ID:

  1. Click in the signature form field
  2. Click "Configure New Digital ID" in the "Sign with a Digital ID" box
  3. Select "Create a New Digital ID" and click Continue
  4. Select "Save to File" and click Continue
  5. Enter "[Your name] proxy for [enter name]" in the Name field and complete the other fields (as appropriate) but the email address is required (this would be your email address) and click Continue
  6. Select a location to save the new Digital ID (or leave as assigned), apply a password that you will use for signing, and click Save

Applying Digital IDs When Document Contains Multiple Signatures:

The Long-Term Vehicle Assignment Request Form requires multiple signatures. Please complete the following process for obtaining those signatures:

  • The initiator completes and saves the form using the naming convention defined above
  • The initiator sends an email, with the above referenced document as an attachment, to the Budget Executive for initial approval
  • The Budget Executive opens the document, reviews the document, and applies their digital ID (if approving) as defined in Steps 4, 5, and 6 above and the saves the document again (do not change the file name)
  • The Budget Executive sends an email, with the above referenced document as an attachment, to the Financial Officer
  • The Business Area Financial Officer opens the document, reviews the document, and applies their digital ID (if approving) as defined in Steps 4, 5, and 6 above and saves the document (do not change the file name)
  • The Business Area Financial Officer sends an email, with the above referenced document as an attachment, to the Fleet Operations
  • After the request is processed by Fleet Operations, an email will be sent to the Business Area Financial Officer and the original requester with the completed form as an attachment, indicating the request is completed

Clearing Fill-and-Print Form Fields:

This form has the "Clear Form" Bookmarks enabled. To clear ALL form field entries:

  • If left-hand column is not displayed when the document is opened, click the small arrow located at about the mid-point of the left-hand side of the screen to reveal the column
  • Click "Bookmarks" (looks like a ribbon)
  • Click "Clear Form"

If you encounter any difficulties with this process, contact the GURU support staff by submitting a Technical Support Form request.

Number of Copies and Ultimate Distribution:

Table of distribution and retention of the Long-Term Vehicle Assignment Request
Document Type: Ultimate Distribution: Retention Periods: Disposition Method:
Original Fleet operations End of fiscal year +2 years Paper Form - Shred

Electronic version - delete and empty recycle bin
1st Copy Originating Office End of fiscal year +2 years Paper Form - Shred

Electronic version - delete and empty recycle bin
2nd Copy Financial Officer End of fiscal year +2 years Paper Form - Shred

Electronic version - delete and empty recycle bin

Where to Send Completed Forms:

The form is to be completed and the Budget Executive and the Business Area Financial Officer must provide either their hand-written signature or provide their digital ID.

If the Budget Executive and the Business Area Financial Officer provide their digital IDs, the document containing their digital ID (see instructions above) is sent to Fleet Operations at fleet@psu.edu.

If applying hand-written signatures, the original is to be sent to Fleet Operations via U.S. mail or interoffice mail to the following address:

Fleet Operations
1 Fleet Operations Building
University Park, PA 16802

Contact Information:

For questions, additional detail, or to request changes to this form, contact Fleet Operations.

Cross References: