GURU Search Help

When the "Guru" search is selected from the search dropdown, the result set will include links to files that contain the submitted search criteria.

Please reference the table below to utilize the GURU search in different ways.

* Note: When searching GURU, double quotes are the only special character permitted.

Functionality Instruction Example Result 1 Example 2 Result 2
Exact word/phrase search Surround your search criteria in quotes. "ice" Returns a list of URLs that contain the word "ice" within the page. "moving expense" Returns a list of URLs that contain the phrase "moving expense" within the page.
Non-exact word/phrase search Do not place quotes around your search criteria. ice Returns a list of URLs that contain the contain either the word "ice" or the substring within the page. (Example: suffice will be returned). Business service Returns a list of URLs that contain the contain either the phrase "Business service" or the substring within the page. (Example: Business services will be returned).