Last Revision: 11/19/2024


Form Instructions

  1. Offer - Enter the name of the graduate student to whom the offer is being made
  2. Date of Offer- Select the date the offer is being made
  3. Total Stipend - Enter the total dollar amount of the stipend. Grade levels can be found in the Table of Stipends for Graduate Assistants
  4. Rate - Select Yes or No from the drop-down list
  5. Starting Date - Select the starting date of the assistantship
  6. Ending Date - Select the ending date of the assistantship
  7. Department Name - Enter the name of the unit with fiscal responsibility for the graduate assistantship
  8. Hours - Enter the number of estimated weekly hours required of the graduate assistantship
  9. Level - Check the appropriate level of the graduate assistantship. 1/4 time performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately 10 hours per week. 1/2 time performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately 20 hours per week. 3/4 time performs tasks that, on average, occupy approximately 30 hours per week
  10. Appointment Description - Select either Teaching Assistantship, Research Assistantship, or Administrative Support Assistantship
  11. Graduate Program Search - Enter the major field (graduate program) to which the student will be or has been admitted. Non-degree students are not eligible for assistantship appointments
  12. Report Date - Select the date the Graduate Assistant is to report
  13. Report to - Enter the name of the individual to whom the graduate assistant is to report
  14. Status of Admission - Select the appropriate status of admission; Admitted to Graduate School or Admission Recommended to Graduate School
  15. Term of Offer Fall Semester - "Will all of the duties assigned to this student be required of every degree candidate in the applicable program as a condition of receiving a degree?" Select Yes (non-taxable) or No (taxable) from the drop-down lists. Options in Yes (non-taxable) and No (taxable). This only applies to those Graduate Assistantship appointments where the student is performing activities in Pennsylvania. If the student is living and performing activities outside of Pennsylvania, select No (taxable). If this appointment is only for the fall semester, select No (taxable) for spring semester
  16. Term of Offer Spring Semester - "Will all of the duties assigned to this student be required of every degree candidate in the applicable program as a condition of receiving a degree?" Select Yes (non-taxable) or No (taxable) from the drop-down lists. Options in Yes (non-taxable) and No (taxable). This only applies to those Graduate Assistantship appointments where the student is performing activities in Pennsylvania. If the student is living and performing activities outside of Pennsylvania, select No (taxable). If this appointment is only for the fall semester, select No (taxable) for fall semester
  17. Accept - Select the date by which the graduate student must accepted the appointment
  18. Title - Enter the name and title of the University official making the offer
  19. Signature - The University official making the offer must provide either a hand-written signature or provide their digital ID
  20. University Date - If the University official provided a hand-written signature, enter the date the form was signed. If a digital ID provided, skip this field
  21. Accept Signature- The graduate student must provide a hand-written signature or provide their digital ID to accept the Terms of Offer and General Conditions of a Graduate Assistantship Appointment set forth in this document
  22. Accept Date - If the graduate student provided a hand-written signature, enter the date the form was signed. If a digital ID provided, skip this field.
  23. Address - If accepting, the graduate student must provide their complete mailing address until start of assistantship
  24. Decline - If declining the offer, they must provide an explanation for declining
  25. Decline Signature - If declining, the graduate student must provide either a hand-written signature or provide their digital ID
  26. Decline Date - If declining the assistantship and a hand-written signature was provided, enter the date the form was signed. If a digital ID provided, skip this field
Image of Terms of Offer of a Graduate Assistantship
Image of Terms of Offer of a Graduate Assistantship