Last Revision: 09/28/2021


Table of Contents:

Use of Google Chrome Required:

NOTE: Google Chrome must be used to access the GURU website and for completing and/or downloading fill-and-print forms. Firefox, Internet Explorer, and/or Microsoft Edge browsers do not support all features required for PDF fill-and-print form functionality. Substitutes for an approved University official form (created using a different browser or scanned copies) will be returned with the request to use the Chrome version of the form.


Each employee who receives meals and/or lodging from the University must submit an Authorization for Salary Deduction form whenever the employment agreement requires that the value of the meals and/or lodging provided by the University be deducted from their salary.

General Information:

  • The completed Authorization for Salary Deduction form must reach the Payroll Department no later than the 15th of the month for which the salary deduction is to be made.
  • Authorization for Salary Deduction agreements that are submitted for a specified period of time will terminate automatically at the specified expiration date. When Authorization for Salary Deduction agreements that are in effect for a specified period of time are terminated early, or changed before the expiration date, a new form must be submitted to accomplish the early termination or change.
  • When Authorization for Salary Deduction agreements that are in effect on a continuing basis are terminated or changed, a new form must be submitted to effect the termination or change.

Exhibit and Instructions:

This form has fill-and-print form fields and digital ID (signature) fields enabled. The PDF versions has instructions provided for the type and/or format of information to be included within the fill-and-print form fields. Hovering the computer mouse over any form field within the PDF will display these instructions. See Converting Web-based Documents to PDF Documents for details. See Applying Digital ID on PDFs When Document Contains Multiple Signatures for instructions on adding signatures.

For step-by-step instruction for completing the Authorization for Salary Deduction form, click on link below:

Authorization for Salary Deduction Exhibit

Form Requirements:

No form may be used that substitutes for an approved official University form without prior review and approval by the steward of the form/central office, as facilitated by the Office of Systems and Procedures (designated representative of the Associate Vice President for Budget and Finance). Policy FN17 Required Use of Approved University Forms Appearing in the General University Reference Utility (GURU) requires that all form templates must be vetted and approved prior to being published on the GURU website and all such documents having gone through said established approval process must be password protected.

Accessing GURU Forms:

GURU PDF forms are designed for use with Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Acrobat Pro. Each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc) has a built-in PDF viewer making it the default PDF viewer without asking users. These built-in viewers do not necessarily support all features required for PDF forms. Similarly, many calculations are not supported by other stand-alone PDF readers (for examples, Nuance). It has been brought to the attention of the Office of Systems and Procedures that PDF forms do not function appropriately when accessed using Firefox and/or Microsoft Edge. In order to access any of the forms on GURU and have the fill-and-print functionality work properly, the end-user must access the GURU website using Google Chrome.

The latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free. Contact your IT support staff person for downloading assistance, if/as needed. If Adobe Acrobat Pro better suits your needs, contact your IT support staff person for purchasing and installation assistance.

Web-based Documents:

Clicking the form download icon on any of the form instruction pages on GURU will open a web-based version of the form. While it appears to have fill-and-print fields available, not all functionality may be available for use (i.e. digital ID fields). With some exceptions (see below), it will be necessary to convert these web-based documents to PDF documents.

Converting Web-based Documents to PDF Documents:

In order to have a version with all PDF capabilities enabled, click the "Fill & Sign in Acrobat" or "Open with Acrobat" icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This icon must be clicked before entering any information. A new versions of the document will open. Complete this version and save the document in a location where you will be able to locate it.

If, upon opening the PDF in Google Chrome, the Fill & Sign in Acrobat icon does not appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, it will be necessary to enable Adobe Acrobat extension. Please visit Enable Adobe Acrobat extension for Google Chrome for instructions to enable Adobe Acrobat extension.


Combining PDF Documents:

There may be times when it is necessary to combine multiple PDF documents into a single document for submission. In those instances, complete the following steps:

  • Click on the appropriate form in GURU
  • Complete the fill-and-print boxes on the web-based form
  • Click the printer icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  • Change Destination to Microsoft Print to PDF using the drop-down arrow
  • Click Print at the bottom of that panel
  • Enter a file name in the box at the bottom of the pop-up window and be sure to select a location where you will be able to relocate the document
  • Click Save

Repeat this process for each document that will be combined (each file name must be different from the previous)

  • Now, open one of the completed PDF documents and on the far right select combine files
  • Click Add Files and select the files to be combined
  • Click Combine

Applying Digital ID's on PDF's (general instructions):

This form has the Digital ID (applying an electronic signature to the document) process enabled. If, upon opening the PDF in Google Chrome, the following does not appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, it will be necessary to enable Adobe Acrobat extension

Image of Adobe Acrobat Fill-and-Sign bar

Please visit the following for instructions to enable Adobe Acrobat extension:

Enable Adobe Acrobat extension for Google Chrome

Complete all fill-and-print form fields before completing the signature process:

  1. Open the Authorization for Salary Deduction Form
  2. Before entering any information, click the "Fill-and-Sign in Acrobat" (see above) icon or click the "fill-and-sign" option (looks like a pen nib) located on the right-hand column within Adobe Acrobat, or click "Tools" from the tool bar on the upper left-hand side of the screen and click "Open" under the Fill & Sign option
  3. Complete all fill-and-print fields
  4. Once the form is complete, click in the signature form field and either:
    • select your digital ID and click continue, or
    • create your digital ID, select your digital ID, and click continue
  5. Review the information in the appearance box and click sign
  6. You will be required to save a copy of the document (the digital signature is not applied until the form is saved)
    • The pop-up window will contain the name "authorization-for-salary-deduction-form" in the file name field, add a dash and the PSU ID number, a dash, and the calendar year to the end of the file name (i.e., authorization-for-salary-deduction-form-smith-2021). This naming convention prevents previous versions from being written over when saved
    • choose a location to save the file where you will be able to locate/retrieve this saved version
    • click Save
  7. Close the form version appearing on your screen
  8. Open the version containing your last name saved in the previous steps
  9. Verify that the digital ID appears on the document
  10. Close the document

Applying Digital ID's When Document Contains Multiple Signatures:

The Authorization for Salary Deduction form requires multiple signatures. Please complete the following process for obtaining those signatures:

  • The employee completes and saves the form using the naming convention defined above
  • The employee sends an email, with the above referenced document as an attachment, to the Budget Administrator for approval
  • The Budget Administrator opens the document, reviews the document, and applies their digital ID (if approving) as defined in Steps 4, 5, and 6 above and saves the document again (do not change the file name)
  • The Budget Administrator forwards the email, with the above referenced document as an attachment, to the Payroll Supervisor for processing. Please include Authorization for Salary Deduction form on the subject line of the email

If you encounter any difficulties, contact the GURU support staff by submitting a Technical Support Form request or by calling the tech support line at 814-863-8592.

Number of Copies and Ultimate Distribution:

Table of distribution and retention of the Authorization for Salary Deduction Form
Document: Ultimate Distribution: Retention Periods: Disposition Method:
Original Payroll Department Uploaded into Workday and retained 3 years after retirement/termination Paper document = Secure Bin disposal or shred

Electronic document and data = delete and empty recycle bin
1st Copy Employee - - - - - - - - - -
Transitory Copies Copies submitted for digital ID (electronic signature) process Once verified document is in Workday - End of calendar year +1 year Paper document = Secure Bin disposal or shred

Electronic document and data = delete and empty recycle bin

Where to Send Completed Forms:

Form containing all digital IDs (electronic signatures) is submitted to Payroll Supervisor.

Contact Information:

For questions, additional details, or to request changes to this form, contact the Payroll Manager.

Cross References:
