Last Revision: 11/08/2023

Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Form

Table of Contents:


The Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Form is to be completed by all non-employee travelers seeking reimbursement for approved University travel expenses. Approval must be obtained PRIOR to travel commencing. Approval may be documented by email, memo, etc. and must be included as part of the supporting documentation for the reimbursement. A non-employee traveler is not permitted to receive any type of advance nor are they permitted to host a group meal or meeting.

General Information:

All travel must be in compliance with Policies TR01 International Travel and TR02 Penn State Travel Policy.

Non-employees, who are not U.S. Citizens, are required to complete BOTH the Non-Employee Information Form AND the Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Form. If the traveler is a foreign national, check with your Business Area Financial Office prior to committing to the expense to verify that the visitor's entry status allows for reimbursement. Refer to the Non-U.S. Citizen Payment Guidelines.

Completed and signed Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Forms are submitted to the business area sponsoring the travel and a delegate enters the information into SAP Concur on behalf of the non-employee. The delegate uploads the completed and signed form, itemized receipts, and the email/memo authorizing the travel as supporting documentation to the transaction within SAP Concur.

Exhibit and Instructions:

Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Exhibit

Form Requirements:

See Procedure FN2017 Use of Form on the GURU Website for complete instructions.

If you encounter any difficulties with any of these processes, contact the GURU support staff by submitting a Technical Support Form request.

Where to Send Completed Forms:

Send the completed and signed travel form, with all required receipts attached, to the appointed business area delegate. The delegate enters the expense information into SAP Concur, and uploads the completed/signed Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement form and all supporting receipts/supporting documentation. After approved and processed, non-employee travelers will be issued a check for any reimbursement due.

Number of Copies and Ultimate Distribution:

Table of distribution and retention of the Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement form
Document: Ultimate Distribution: Retention Periods: Disposition Method:
Original Uploaded as supporting document into SAP Concur General Funds - End of fiscal year +7 years

Restricted Funds - End of contract/agreement (close date) +7 years
Paper Document - Secure Bin Disposal or Shredded beyond recovery
Electronic documents/data - delete from computer and empty computer recycle bin
Transitory documents* Business Area Upon verification of successful upload into SAP Concur - End of fiscal year +1 year Electronic documents/data - delete and empty recycle bin

* Transitory document have temporary value and, as a result, may be destroyed after they are no longer needed. In no event shall be retained longer than the official copy of the University Records as delineated on the Records Retention Schedule

Contact Information:

For questions or additional detail, please contact your Business Area Finance Office.

To request changes to this form, please contact the Office of Policy and Procedure Administration by submitting a GURU Technical Service Request Form.

Cross References: