The Request for Travel Advance form is required to request travel advances which will be issued at the discretion of the Financial Officer. All travel advances must be processed through SAP Concur. The form contains a statement, signed by the employee, indicating consent for any amount owed to the University to be deducted from the employee's paycheck. Payroll needs the consent to deduct the amount due.
All travel advances are issued using GL 15010070 Travel Advance. This advance creates an outstanding obligation (accounts receivable) in the name of the advance holder.
When employee returns from trip, the travel advance is applied to the expense report in SAP Concur with a credit to 15010070 and debits against expenses (see the 5278xxxx general ledger account series).
Reconciliation of SAP Concur Travel advances should include the business expenses showing where the travel advance was utilized and the return of any unused portion of the Travel Advance if necessary. Reports that include a Travel Advance should have ONLY cash out of pocket expenses that do not exceed the Travel Advance total amount. Any additional expenses for the trip should be entered on a second Concur report. This is for any expenses that are not utilizing the cash advance. We recommend giving the report the same name. See Reconciling a Travel Advance in SAP Concur for complete details on this business process.
In the case of funds due from the employee, the SAP Concur report will post a debit to the Travel Advance Return GL 13010311. The outstanding funds are deposited to the appropriate bank account and a Journal Entry for Incoming Funds processed debiting the bank account and crediting 13010311.
If the advance was issued with contract/grant funds, the advance must be reconciled and closed before the contract/grant close date.
To view document exhibits, click on link below:
Request for Travel Advance Exhibit
No form may be used that substitutes for an approved official University form without prior review and approval by the steward of the form/central office, as facilitated by the Office of Systems and Procedures (designated representative of the Corporate Controller). Policy FN17 Required Use of Approved University Forms Appearing in the General University Reference Utility (GURU) requires that all form templates must be vetted and approved prior to being published on the GURU website and all such documents having gone through said established approval process must be password protected. See Procedure FN2017 Use of Approved Form Templates Appearing on the GURU Website for complete details on the use of approved form templates.
If you encounter any difficulties, contact the GURU support staff by submitting a Technical support form request.
Document: | Ultimate Distribution: | Retention Periods: (after settlement) |
Disposition Method: |
Original | Uploaded into SAP Concur as supporting documentation | General Funds = End of fiscal year +7 years Restricted Funds/Grants/Contracts = End of fiscal year after close date of contract/grant +7 years |
Paper documents = Secure Bin disposal or shred Electronic document and data = delete from computer and empty computer recycle bin |
Transitory Copies* | Copies created during the application of Digital IDs | Upon verification of successful upload into SAP Concur - End of fiscal year +1 year | Paper documents = Secure Bin disposal or shred Electronic document and data = delete from computer and empty computer recycle bin |
*Transitory Copies are University Records that have temporary value and, as a result, may be destroyed after they are no longer needed. In no event shall be retained longer than the official copy of the University Records as delineated on the Records Retention Schedule.
The approved form is uploaded into SAP Concur as supporting documentation to the expense report.
For questions or additional details pertaining to the Request for Travel Advance business process, contact your Financial Officer.
To request changes to this form, please contact the Office of Systems & Procedures by submitting a GURU Technical Support Request Form.