Last Revision: 07/01/2024

Procedure RS2015 Collection of Fees at University Pools (formerly IA2015)

PROCESS OWNER: Recreational Services


SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT: Director of Aquatics



At the University Park Campus, there are five University swimming pools available to students, Campus Recreation members or guests for informal recreation, rentals, and reservations. The facilities are available for both individual and group use, subject to academic and Intercollegiate Athletic demands, priorities, and scheduling limitations. The McCoy Natatorium facility houses three indoor pools and one outdoor pool adjacent to the building. Another indoor pool is in the White Building. The programmatic aspects of pool operations at all locations are under the supervision of the Assistant Director of Aquatics. Facilities management is a function of the Assistant Director of Aquatics. Campus Recreation offers recreational swimming every day while the university is in operation. The outdoor pool is open seven days, weather permitting, from approximately the first of May until mid-September (under normal seasonal conditions).

Priorities and fees for use of the University pools are established by Campus Recreation. The fees are sent to the VP of Student Affairs for their signature then sent to Cost Analysis for final approval in compliance with Policy FN27 Establishing and Billing Service Center User Rates and are administered by Campus Recreation. The fee structure is based on the user's University affiliation. A current schedule of rates is available at McCoy Natatorium front desk.

Locker room facilities are available free of charge to patrons using the University pools. Additionally, there are lockers available to rent to students and Campus Recreation members for a fee. Actively enrolled University Park students do not need to purchase a membership to use the Campus Recreation facilities. Membership for full- and part-time students is included in the Student Initiated Fee paid each semester. Membership and day pass fees are collected at the front desk of the McCoy Natatorium (both at the indoor and outdoor pool front desks) or Intramural Building for PSU employees, community members, and guests.



Fee Collection Points

Swimming fees are collected at two separate physical locations, the entry desk at the Natatorium and the "ticket sales window" at the outdoor pool. Members and guests can also utilize to register for aquatic programs. In the McCoy Natatorium, fees are collected at the same front desk for all three indoor pools. All sales are recorded in Campus Recreation's sales software, Fusion, which has separate sales categories for each membership or day pass type. Actively enrolled University Park students do not need to purchase a membership to use the Campus Recreation facilities. Memberships for full- and part-time students are included in the Student Initiated Fee paid each semester as a part of their tuition bill. Membership and day pass fees are collected at the front desk of the McCoy Natatorium (both at the indoor and outdoor pool front desks) or Intramural Building for PSU employees, community members, and guests. Accepted forms of payment include credit card and LionCash. Sales are processed by Campus Recreation student staff in Fusion, and then reconciled and posted to SIMBA by Campus Recreation Business Services staff. The pool located in the White Building is operated in the same manner as the Natatorium indoor pools. Fees are collected at the Intramural Building front desk and all sales are processed with the point-of-sale software Fusion. Sales reconciliation and reporting is also managed at the Intramural Building by Campus Recreation Business Services Staff. However, all pool-related functions (exclusive of facilities) at the White Building are also the responsibility of the Assistant Director of Aquatics.

Campus Recreation Business Services, located in the Intramural Building, invoices all internal PSU and non-University groups through Fusion. Payments accepted include credit card, LionCash, or Journal Entry for University group pool rental fees. This office also issues University Park Invoices for swimming pool rentals by non-University groups (groups that do not have a University budget.) Neither a cash register nor change fund is required for collection of these two methods of payment. Non-University groups are invoiced and pay via credit card or check sent directly to campus recreation for deposit. Details on the processing of group pool rentals are covered later in this procedure.

Point of Sale Operations

The Membership, Reservations, and Outreach Assistant Director and Coordinator are responsible for training Membership and Outreach attendants on the sales software, and to directly supervise the oversight of swimming sales collection at each sales site. All Membership and Outreach attendants are part-time (Wage Payroll/Work Study) employees hired by Recreational Services.

Voided Transactions - All Sales Locations

A "void" may result from one of two errors:

  1. An incorrect Fusion entry, or
  2. An incorrect credit card entry.

This voided entry is recorded in the fusion software system. In an incorrect credit card entry, the error is reported to Business Services who will issue a refund on the credit card through our credit card system Converge. All voided tickets must be forwarded to the Campus Recreation Business Office and held in the safe for audit purposes per the retention schedule specified at the end of this procedure.

Check Policy

Checks may be accepted for the payment of swimming fees at the University Pools, subject to the requirements outlined in this section.

A sign or placard must be posted in a prominent place at all locations where swimming fees are collected and list the following information:

  1. A current valid Penn State I.D. Card or current driver's license (non-students), is required to pay by check.
  2. All checks must be made payable to "The Pennsylvania State University."
  3. There will be a $25.00 fee for any checks returned by the bank.
  4. Check amounts are limited to the fee amount only.

When a patron wishes to pay by check, it must be prepared according to posted instructions. The employee accepting the check will examine the patron's identification and verify the data on the check: date, payee, amount, and signature. When accepted, the check is restrictively endorsed (stamped) "Deposit Only - The Pennsylvania State University," and contains the necessary designated depository bank information per Policy FN01 Cash Revenues and Procedure FN2005 Processing Cash Revenues. The checks are retained with other receipts at the location. The GL number is 11002106, fund number 1850000001 and Business Area 4950 are also stamped on the reverse of each check. This enables Accounting Operations to determine where to send returned checks for further action.

When a check is returned by the bank as invalid, the Assistant Director of Business Services - Campus Recreation is notified by Accounting Operations via email with a scanned copy of the check attached. It is the department's responsibility to collect amounts due to the University. The fee (and returned check amount) must be collected before the University Pools can be used again by the patron. The appropriate staff, along with the Financial Officer, will follow the steps outlined in Procedure FN2002 Processing Returned Checks.


Day Pass or Guest Pass Sales - Outdoor Pool

Current students and faculty/staff members must produce a Penn State ID card to access the pool. Eligible non-members at the outdoor pool must purchase a day pass at the Outdoor Pool front desk to pay for admission. Based on the patron's eligibility, Membership and Outreach attendants will sell them the appropriate day pass. Any current member is eligible to sponsor one guest 18 years of age or older per day. Guests must provide a valid form of identification, must be always with their sponsoring member, and must pay the guest pass fee to enter. All sales are processed in Fusion and in the corresponding payment method (Converge for credit card and LionCash machine for LionCash).

Readmission to the Area

Patrons are permitted to leave the enclosed pool area and return the same day for the price of a single admission. The Membership and Outreach Attendant will look up the individual in the Fusion software to verify entry date.

Pool Rental for Use by Groups

Both University and "outside" (non-University) groups may rent exclusive use of either the outdoor or indoor pools on an hourly basis. The rate varies according to the groups' University affiliation. These groups are also responsible to pay direct costs for required personnel (lifeguard, membership and outreach attendant, pool operator, etc.). All such rental arrangements must be made through the Assistant Director of Aquatics in McCoy Natatorium, where a current schedule of rates, priorities, and other conditions are available. There are two payment methods for pool rentals:

  • Payment by groups that have a University budget is made via Journal Entry to the appropriate GL account.
  • Payment for rental fees by outside groups must be by check, according to the guidelines specified earlier in this procedure.

These situations are described in detail below. Continuing Education Conferences may be managed in yet another manner, which is covered under a separate heading below.

Hourly Rentals - University Groups

University departments or University-affiliated groups, Club Sports, Registered Student Organizations, and groups that do not need to provide proof of insurance, must contact Campus Recreation for information on rates and availability to reserve pool time. The Aquatic Office will record all relevant information on an Aquatic Facilities Request Form. The Assistant Director of Aquatics will review the request form and will either approve or deny the request, subject to established use priorities, pool availability and other factors. If a request is denied, the group's representative is advised, and an attempt is made to reschedule or otherwise resolve the problem.

When a request is approved, a quote is provided to the group, and they have 10 days to sign and return it. The reservation is recorded in Fusion. Also, a copy of the event is sent to the Swimming Pool Operators and Assistant Director of Memberships, Outreach and Reservations to be logged in on a calendar so the staff will be aware of the reserved time. Actual charges are billed to the user on a Fusion Invoice and payment is made via Journal Entry or Check. At such time, the Journal Entry is processed, and the fee amount is credited to cost center 4951310001 (Aquatic Programs) Fund 1100000001. Internal GL sets are used for internal reservations. Facility Usage - Rental or Program Income is used for external income.

Members of the group renting the pool will be admitted only upon presentation of the proper identification at the pool entrance, indicating that the individual is part of the renting group.

Hourly Rentals - Non-University Groups

With the exception of the processing steps and a separate billing process, pool rental requests from non-University groups are managed in exactly the same manner as University groups; with the addition of a contract, release and indemnification and proof of insurance, and listing Penn State as additionally insured. These are all required to confirm the rental; and need to be returned to the Assistant Director of Aquatics at least two weeks prior to the event. These documents and the rental quote are submitted to procurement at that time. If the request is approved, it is scheduled as previously indicated. After the event, a Fusion invoice is prepared and sent to the organization.


McCoy Natatorium and White Building Deposits

A bank deposit slip will be prepared in accordance with Policy FN01 Cash Revenues and Procedure FN2005 Processing Cash Revenues. The bank validated deposit slip is uploaded to the Journal Entry for Incoming Funds as supporting documentation. Any transfer of deposits to other locations is addressed in Procedure CR2004 Accountability for Transfers of Items of Value (Except Equipment).


Periodic reconciliations are to be performed under the direction of the Director of Aquatics to help ensure that related sets of financial documents balance, and thus evaluate the integrity of the local record keeping system. Results of reconciliations are to be reviewed by the Director of Aquatics.

SIMBA Budget vs Actual reports by cost center are reviewed by the Business Services office before month end to allocate credit card revenue to appropriate cost centers.


See Procedure FN2002 Processing Returned Checks for complete details on this business process.


The Financial Officer is responsible for ensuring that procedures pertaining to the accountability and safeguarding of all cash receipts, cash funds, and other assets are established and followed in accordance with approved University policies and procedures. Regular audits relating to advances, cash, travel, equipment accountability, and other expenditures provide a means to protect University assets. The Financial Officer is responsible for collaborating with Internal Audit when audits are being performed in the administrative area. Audits relating to sponsored activities or other audits performed by external auditors may also be performed. The Financial Officer would also be responsible for collaborating with the external auditor and/or a central university office related to these procedures.


University Records retention must be managed in accordance with Policy AD35 University Archives and Records Management, and retention schedules approved by the Records Management Advisory Committee, the Office of General Counsel, and Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff. These records retention schedules are derived from - or based upon - federal, state, and local statutes or regulations, University Policy, industry standards, and business needs. All University Records must be maintained in such a manner to provide ease of access, establish a suitable audit trail for all transactions, and to be reviewed prior to disposition.

University Records and Transitory/Disposable Record are defined below. See Policy AD35, Definition of Terms for additional information.

  • University Records - Information that documents a transaction or regularly conducted activity of the University and that is created, received or retained pursuant to law, University policy, or in connection with a transaction, business, or activity of the University. The term includes documents, papers, letters, books, drawings, maps, plans, photographs, tapes, film or sound recordings, microforms, digital or analog files, information stored or maintained electronically, and data- or image-processed documents.
  • Transitory/Disposable Records - University Records that have temporary value and, as a result, may be destroyed after they are no longer needed. In no event shall be retained longer than the official copy of the University Records as delineated on the Records Retention Schedule. Examples include photocopies of official University Records, a printed copy of a University Record that is held by the Responsible Party or within a System of Record, a spreadsheet containing data that is exported from an officially resides in another systems, personal emails not related to University business or activity, and/or mass emails or communications.

Upon completion of the retention period, University Records must be disposed of via secure destruction or transfer to University Archives, unless an exception to the disposition process set forth below applies. If the disposition method for University Records states "Review by Archives" on the records retention schedule, the employees responsible for those records should consult the University Archivist for a final determination of disposition. For University Records that must be securely destroyed, units may arrange for shredding services by either contacting the Blue/White Shredding Program or the Inactive Records Center.

Exceptions to the disposition process are as follows:

  • University Records subject to a Legal Hold (see Policy AD35, Legal Hold). A legal hold will remain in effect until it is released in writing by the Office of General Counsel.
  • University Records under audit or review by external auditors - The Financial Officer will be notified regarding any cost objects that are under audit hold; the Financial Officer will be responsible for contacting the Unit associated with the cost objects. An audit hold will remain in effect until the hold is released by the Office of Budget and Finance.
  • University Records under audit or review by Internal Auditing – Internal Auditing will notify the department or individual regarding any audit holds pertaining to an Internal Auditing investigation. The audit hold will remain in effect until the hold is released by Internal Auditing.

To safeguard the privacy of individuals, records that contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), as defined in University Policy AD53 Privacy Policy, or student records, as defined in University Policy AD11 Confidentiality of Student Records, must be destroyed beyond recovery. For additional information regarding privacy and the protection of an individual's personal information, see Policy AD53 Privacy Policy.

Additional questions may be directed to the Office of Records Management.


There are no exhibits associated with this procedures.


For questions or additional details, please contact the Student Affairs Finance Office.

To request changes to this procedure, please contact the Office of Systems & Procedures by submitting a GURU Technical Support Request form




July 1, 2024


  • Rev 2 -July 1, 2024 - Complete procedure review to update to current business processes. Procedure renumbered from IA2015 to RS2015 to transfer procedure ownership from Intercollegiate Athletics to Recreation Services.


  • Rev 1 - Dated 01/04/93 (#IA2015)
  • Original - Dated 10/16/86 (#HP2008)