The University Guest Presenter Agreement has been converted to an electronic form. Please contact the Adobe Sign Team for access to the Adobe Sign website and for training (see the Adobe Sign Electronic Form information below). The PDF form will continue to be available while end-users receive access and training; however, the PDF will be decommissioned at the end of fiscal year (June 30th, 2025). Please arrange for access and training before the end of the fiscal year.
The University Guest Presenter Agreement has been recommended for use by the Office of General Counsel to formalize arrangements with Artists, Speakers, or Lecturers (hereafter "Guest") who will be speaking or presenting at The Pennsylvania State University ("University") - whether in person or virtually in the classroom, seminars or conferences. It is used to ensure that the Agreement is binding on both parties, regardless of the dollar amount, or lack there of, to be paid to the Guest and explicitly indicates permission, or not, to record or broadcast a presentation. For purposes of this Guest Presenter Agreement, presentations conducted via Zoom or any other e-conferencing service (e.g., WebEx, Skype, etc.) are not considered "broadcasts" for which authorization to broadcast may be withheld.
The University Guest Presenter Agreement is an agreement between a third-party external to the University and the University. The agreement is:
All non-employee individuals receiving payment from the University must complete a Non-Employee Information form and to provide any supporting residency status documentation all of which is to be included as backup documentation to the transaction. The Non-Employee Information form is associated with a single transactions and must be completed each time a Guest presents at a University event or facility.
If there is no fee associated with a guest speaker presentation but the University will be reimbursing travel expenses, a Non-Employee Travel Reimbursement Form must be completed to document the travel expenses.
Individuals who will receive payment from the University must obtain a SIMBA Supplier number. All current and future suppliers need to register with the University's on-boarding partner, PaymentWorks to manage their profile and related information. SIMBA supplier numbers are generated for new suppliers after they complete their registration with PaymentWorks. Supplier invitations to register with PaymentWorks can be requested through the Office of Central Procurement ( or listed delegated authorities. A completed W-9 Form must be upload to PaymentWorks as part of the registration process. If the Guest Presenter is a Non-Resident Foreign National, additional documentation will be required. See the Non-US Citizen Payment Guidelines for additional information. If the Guest previously registered in PaymentWorks and any of their information (i.e., address, residency status) has changed, the Guest is required to update the information in PaymentWorks and upload updated documentation.
NOTE: There is a different University Guest Presenter Recording Agreement which is used as an alternative to University Guest Presenter Agreement. The University Guest Presenter Recording Agreement is used to issue a payment to an individual, a corporation, a company, an organization, or an association when Guest will be providing a recording to the University, for use by the University, to ensure that the Agreement is binding on both parties, regardless of the dollar amount, or lack thereof, to be paid to the Guest. See the University Guest Presenter Recording Agreement for complete details.
The electronic form is completed and sent by the business area.
Please complete the E-Signature - Service Now Request to request access to Adobe Sign.
Once access to Adobe Sign has been granted, access Adobe Sign using Adobe Sign Login.
When completing the form in Adobe Sign, the end-user will be required to update the name of the form to include the Guest's name and the presentation date (i.e., University Guest Presenter Agreement Joe Smith 9/25/2050). This naming convention is to ensure that previous requests are not written over. Every recipient (and cc'd recipients) on the agreement will receive an auto-generated email at the completion of the agreement. This email will include a link to View/Download the completed agreement. This document will need to be "print to PDF" to become a document to be uploaded into SIMBA or SAP Concur.
NOTE: If the Guest will be selling merchandise, the Adobe Sign version of the University Guest Presenter Agreement CANNOT be used. The PDF version of the University Guest Presenter Agreement and the University Guest Presenter Merchandising Addendum must be completed. The Procurement Contract Request Intake Form must be completed and submitted along with the University Guest Presenter Agreement and the University Guest Presenter Merchandising Addendum. An Adobe Sign version of the University Guest Presenter Merchandising Addendum is currently in development. A GURU News Announcement will be published when the Adobe Sign University Guest Presenter Merchandising Addendum launches.
It is the responsibility of the University employee to complete the agreement fully before sending the agreement to the Guest. It is important to note that the agreement should not be signed by the University official until AFTER the Guest has signed the form. See the Form Requirements for additional details on applying digital IDs on the PDF. See the Adobe PDF "SHARE" section below for complete details on obtaining signatures on PDF forms.
Student Affairs and Recognized Student Organizations are not permitted to complete the University Guest Presenter Agreement. Student Affairs and Recognized Student Organizations are required to complete the Speaker Agreement. See the Procurement Entertainment Agreement Guide for complete details.
The University Guest Presenter Agreement - the University Guest Presenter Agreement is used to issue a payment to an individual, a corporation, a company, an organization, or an association:
For step-by-step instructions for completing the University Guest Presenter Agreement, click on link below:
University Guest Presenter Agreement Exhibit
No form may be used that substitutes for an approved official University form without prior review and approval by the steward of the form/central office, as facilitated by the Office of Systems and Procedures (designated representative of the Office of Budget and Finance). Policy FN17 Required Use of Approved University Forms Appearing in the General University Reference Utility (GURU) requires that all form templates must be vetted and approved prior to being published on the GURU website and all such documents having gone through said established approval process must be password protected. See Procedure FN2017 Use of Approved Form Templates Appearing on the GURU Website for complete details.
The Adobe Sign version of the University Guest Presenter Agreement is the vetted and approved form. The Adobe Sign website must be accessed and a new electronic form submitted for each request. This allows for an electronic audit trail and record retention.
Before a file may be sent for signature, the following steps need to be complete to enable the "Share" process:
When applying your digital ID, please verify that the "Lock document after signing" button is NOT checked.
It is also possible to "Share" the form using the "Share File" option which is located in "File" drop-down list. Click the "Share File" option and follow the prompts.
Document: | Ultimate Distribution: | Retention Periods: | Disposition Method: |
Original (Electronic Document) | Payment involved: uploaded as supporting documentation to Non-PO Invoice in SIMBA or expense report in SAP Concur Gratuitous: Retained by originating department |
General Funds - End of fiscal year +7 years Restricted Funds - End of contract/agreement (close date) +7 years |
Paper document - disposed of via Secure Bin disposal or shredded Electronic document/data - delete and empty recycle bin |
1st Copy | Presenter | - - - - - | - - - - - |
Copy created during the signature process (PDF version) | Originating department | Upon verification of payment +1 month | Paper document - disposed of via Secure Bin disposal or shredded Electronic document/data - delete and empty recycle bin |
*Transitory copies are University Records that have temporary value and, as a result, may be destroyed after they are no longer needed. In no event shall be retained longer than the official copy of the University Records as delineated on the Records Retention Schedule.
Completed forms are uploaded as an attachment to the Non-PO Invoice in SIMBA or the expense report in SAP Concur.
For questions or additional details, please contact the Office of Central Procurement.
To request changes to the form, please contact the Office of Systems & Procedures by submitting a GURU Technical Support Form.